Tuesday 26 November 2013

Konstruktor 35mm SLR Photo Quality


I have shot a roll of 36 films, but it turns out to be only 30 shots.  The main reason is the spacing between each shot are far apart then the normal. 

The result of the roll is not very satisfactory.  Majority are either over exposed or under exposed, especially for the multiple expose shots.  

Although the result is not very satisfactory, but i do like the image quality of the shots.  From the photo, this camera is very good for close portrait shots and not suitable for scenery.

Multiple Exposure

Above is the only successful multiple exposure shot and both exposures are in indoor environment.


This is the perfect shot of the entire roll of film.  It is taken with good light and close up.


The shots above give a very nice shade of gray tone and with a blurry image.

Street View

The shots above are taken on a bright sunny morning.  These shots give a very good retro feeling.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Building Your Own Konstruktor 35mm SLR


Recently start to get crazy on Lomography and start to read about "Toy Camera".  Begin to see many DIY camera; such as Recesky 3D Stereo Pinhole Camera and 135 Camera.  Search through the web and read through the reviews, but none able to provide me a good in-depth details of these cameras.

After a few weeks of struggled, finally decided to get a Konstruktor to try it out.

Assembled Konstruktor
Before starting to assemble, you must get ready the following.

1.  Sharp scissor X 1.
2.  Pincer X 1.
3.  A small box to store screws.

Without the above... very tough to assemble.


The Kronstruktor comes in with a very nice packing and good finishing quality.  Upon opening the box, it is divided into three sections as shown.

01 - LENS

Len Assembly.

With reference to the manual, first is to assemble the LENS.  The steps are simple as shown in the manual.  But it took me almost 20 minutes to figure out how to do it.

The challenge or problem here is that it is very tough to slot in the lens, A8, and the lens' attachment, B18, into B17. Most of the time is you can only slot in one, with the other stuck on the other side.  There is not trick for a quick assemble, only way is to push in the A8 half way then B18 half way.  Slowly push in at both end to get it done.


Completed assembly of Hood Viewfinder.

This is the most simple to assemble.  Just follow the instruction.  No sweat.

03 - BODY

This is the most complicated module to assemble and also the most important of all.

Warning: If the parts not assembled correctly, the film loading mechanism will not function properly.

View 01 of Step 10.

View 02 of Step 10.

Before assemble Step 11, ensure that the spring B9 and stopper P8 are in collect position before slotting B22 into the hole.  Please note tht B22 is on top of P8.

Completed assembly of Step 12.

Completed assembly of Step 13.

The most confusing part is Step 14, this is the part for the counting of how many films taken.  Till now, i still unable to make the film counter works for my camera.

Completed assembly of Step 14.
After completed the above, till Step 14, put all the assembled parts aside for later use.


Completed assembly of Step 15 and 16.

For Step 15 and 16 are very straight forward.

Completed assembly of Step 17.

For Step 17, this is where the PINCER comes in handy.  First insert P12 into the front cover and screw tight.  Then using the pincer to hook the SPRING, B10, from the chassis to the shutter button, P12.  Without using a pincer, one can easily damage the spring.


Get ready for the final assembly.

Get all the parts as shown above ready.  This is the final moment of the assembling process.  In fact, this is only the mid-way point.

Completed assembly of Step 18 to 20.

The toughest part of assembling the camera is to insert the body into the front cover.  Every time, either the screw or the gear will drop out during the process.  I have tried several and many times to have a successful one.

Upon completing Step 20, rest of the steps are straight forward.

Completed assembly of Step 21. 


Ready for final touch up and decoration.


Above is the final look of my camera.  Simple!!

Installation and User Manual

For those who is interested to understand more about the construction of the camera, please download the installation manual from below.

Konstruktor Manual

The manual also provides a very good description on HOW-TO USE.  However, on the first read or many read, you still get a bit of confusion here and there.  The best way is to load in a roll of film and goes around the neighbourhood to start shooting.  After a round, you will know your camera inside out.

My Camera Issues

My camera has the following issues that i am not able to resolve after a few rounds of stripping and assembling.

1.  The shutter button is not able to trigger the light chamber to auto open and close.  i need to manually push the leveler, A5, to trigger the light chamber.
2.  The film counter always move on it own will.  i have no idea how it works and just have to live with it.
3.  The knob to forward the film is very hard to turn after taking a shot.  Giving a sense that the film is not in place.  Will need to know when my first roll of film is readied. 

Above are the two issues i am having.  Think this is the character of my camera.

Image Quality

Coming Soon......

Tuesday 12 November 2013

FUUVI Apple Juice Toy Camera

Visited a shop, ThirtySix, at Sunshine Plaza in Singapore specially selling of Lomo camera and brought this at S$18.  This is a discounted price and usually cost around S$30++ online.  So decided to get one try out.

The instruction is behind the package and written all in Japanese.  Take some times to understand how to use.

Load the film as shown in the instruction and we can start shooting.  The challenge is how to rewind the film, which is highlighted in RED in the instruction.

Press the small little button under the camera and you can start to rewind the film.

Below is the photo of the camera.

Back of Camera

Front of Camera

Press the straw to take photo

Button of Camera (Press to small button before rewind the film)

Image Quality

The outcome of the camera is ...... 4 out of 36 shots successful.  Still struggling hard to understand why...???

The photo quality is very good from this little camera.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Linköping Cathedral

Linköping Cathedral is located opposite the First Hotel, just walk across the road and pass a public carpark.  As stated in the wikipedia, it is about 800 years old and took 300 years to complete.  The cathedral is the major landmark of the city, where we can see the tower of the cathedral even from the Central Station.  

Mock up of the construction work.

The best part of the cathedral that i love most is the natural acoustic sound effects that its produced.  When the church choir sings, they sound like the voice from the angels.  It sounded really wonderful.

The choir rehearsing for Sunday services.

Below are the pictures took inside the cathedral.

There are nothing much for me to write about the cathedral, as all the information are stated in the wikipedia.  This cathedral is not the grandest that i have visited, however, here everyone is allowed to walk freely inside and people manning the cathedral are very friendly too.

Cathedral at night.

Art work from God.