Tuesday 26 November 2013

Konstruktor 35mm SLR Photo Quality


I have shot a roll of 36 films, but it turns out to be only 30 shots.  The main reason is the spacing between each shot are far apart then the normal. 

The result of the roll is not very satisfactory.  Majority are either over exposed or under exposed, especially for the multiple expose shots.  

Although the result is not very satisfactory, but i do like the image quality of the shots.  From the photo, this camera is very good for close portrait shots and not suitable for scenery.

Multiple Exposure

Above is the only successful multiple exposure shot and both exposures are in indoor environment.


This is the perfect shot of the entire roll of film.  It is taken with good light and close up.


The shots above give a very nice shade of gray tone and with a blurry image.

Street View

The shots above are taken on a bright sunny morning.  These shots give a very good retro feeling.

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